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Profi-Modul - Version 4.303 updated 04. Jul. 2024

Neukunden-Gewinnungssystem "ReferralHoney"

Dieses Modul ist in folgenden Tarifen enhalten:

Start Up






Kunden werben Kunden:

ReferralHoney ist ein voll automatisches Neukunden-Empfehlungssystem für MailBeez. Kunden empfehlen den Shop an Freunde oder Familie und erhalten einen Belohnungs-Gutschein, wenn ein oder mehr Freunde eine Bestellung tätigen – ein Kreislauf, der zu neuen Kunden führt!

So funktioniert MailBeez ReferralHoney:

ReferralHoney gibt jedem Ihrer Kunden die Möglichkeit und einen Anreiz neue Kunden für Sie zu finden. Um die bekannte Wirkung von persönlichen Empfehlungen zu entfalten, versendet ReferralHoney eine Einladungs-Email mit einem Link zu einer personalisierten Empfehlungsseite. Der Kunde kann diese Empfehlungsseite mit einem Klick an seine Freunde, Familie, Vereinskameraden oder Kollegen weitergeben, da er weiss, dass eine Belohnung auf ihn wartet. Die Empfehlungsseite ist bereits mit Facebook, Twitter und Google+ integriert – Die Empfehlung ist also mit wenigen Klicks erledigt!

Facebook: Der eingeladene Kunde kann seine persönliche Share-Page mit einem Klick auf Facebook teilen.

Twitter: Die persönliche Share-Page erlaubt es auch, innerhalb von Sekunden einen neuen Tweet zu senden

E-Mail: Und natürlich kann der Link zur persönlichen Share-Page auch per Email, Chat oder andere Wege an Freunde weitergegeben werden.

Automatisiert und personalisiert

Einrichten und vergessen: Einmal installiert wird ReferralHoney – wie alle MailBeez Module bei entsprechender Konfiguration – voll automatisch laufen und Emails, Gutschein und Belohnungen erstellen, versenden und nachverfolgen. Als MailBeez-Modul ist die Installation in kurzer Zeit erledigt und ausser der Individualisierung der Vorlagen und Einstellungen ist nichts am Shopsystem zu ändern! MailBeez ReferralHoney bietet eine Reihe von Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten, um die persönliche Marketingstrategie Ihres Shops zu unterstützen, dies kann z.B. der zeitliche Abstand des Versandes der Einladung nach der Bestellung sein, der erforderliche Bestell-Status oder auch der Wert des Empfehlungsgutscheins. Wenn es zur Belohnung der fleissigen Empfehler kommt (natürlich auch automatisch), können Sie in drei Stufen eine Staffelung einrichten. Wenn von Peters Freunden z.B. drei bestellen, kann Peter eine größere Belohnung erhalten, als wenn nur zwei bestellen.

Wir empfehlen, den MailBeez Service für die Einrichtung, Konfiguration und Inbetriebnahme zu buchen.

Modul Optionen:

Order-Status of Customer order to start
Choose the order status on which ReferralHoney will begin the referral cycle – we would recommend ‘despatched’, or your store equivalent.

Set Order Status for friends order to recognize
Choose the order status on which ReferralHoney will recognize an order from a referrer’s friend – we would recommend ‘despatched’, or your store equivalent.

Delay after order
The number of days after your customer’s last order before it qualifies for a ReferralHoney invitation.

Set number of days to skip processing
The number of days after processing is skipped (depending how often you run MailBeez). This number must be bigger then “Delay after order”

Delay since last invite
Delay since a customer was invited to join the referral scheme – set this to over 7 days if you have customers that order very regularly to ensure that multiple invitations are not sent out.

Share-Coupon: Expires after days
The number of days after which the initial share coupon expires – calculated from the sending point in time.

Reward-Coupon: Expires after days
The number of days after which the reward coupon expires – calculated from the sending point of time.

Length of Coupon Code
Sets the length of the automatically generated coupon code

Sender email, Sender name
Sets the from email address and name in each ReferralHoney email. Typically you would want to use your store’s most used email address and name to ensure high delivery rates.


Options for Invite

Delay after order (same as in General Options)
The number of days since last order

Coupon Template – Friends Coupon for sharing
Choose the coupon code template you have configured in the coupon system. This coupon will be used as template to generate a personalized, unique coupon. The coupon code must start with ‘template_‘ e.g. ‘template_game

When setting up the ReferralHoney refer a friend coupon template, please make sure to leave the usage field blank, or for example enter a number of at least 50. If we take this scenario as an example, the customer who receives the coupon to share with their friends is always marked as having used the coupon (so only their friends can use it), leaving 49 more uses available.The number of usages per customer field should be set to 1 – the refer a friend coupon is automatically marked as used by the referring customer when it is sent, which makes sure the coupon is only used by newly referred customers and not the initial recipient.

Share-Coupon: Expires after days (same as in General Options)
The number of days after which the share coupon expires – calculated from the sending point of time.


Options for Order Notification / Recognition

Set Order Status for friends order to recognize
Set the status of orders to recognize accepted friend orders


Options for Reward

You can set up to 3 levels of rewards, which means that for each level you can define the reward Coupon you would like to give out.

Delay after Coupon Expiry date
The number of days after the expiry of the friend coupon before sending the reward coupon.

Number of Orders for Level 1
The number of recognized orders to get reward coupon level 1

Reward: Choose Coupon as Template for Level 1
Choose the relevant coupon code you have configured in the coupon system. This coupon will be used as template to generate a personalized, unique coupon. The coupon code must start with ‘template_‘ e.g. ‘template_reward1

Number of Orders for Level 2
The number of recognized orders to get reward coupon level 2

Reward: Choose Coupon as Template for Level 2
Choose the coupon code you have configured in the coupon system. This coupon will be used as template to generate a personalized, unique coupon. The coupon code must start with ‘template_‘ e.g. ‘template_reward2

Number of Orders for Level 3
The number of recognized orders to get reward coupon level 3

Reward: Choose Coupon as Template for Level 3
Choose the coupon code you have configured in the coupon system. This coupon will be used as template to generate a personalized, unique coupon. The coupon code must start with ‘template_‘ e.g. ‘template_reward3

Reward-Coupon: Expires after days
The number of days after which the coupon expires – calculated from the sending point of time.

Customization of sharepage

the sharepage is fully customizable, the default templates (will be overwritten with updates) are located in


make a copy of these templates and remove the default_ from the filenames. Then adopt the templates to your needs

The System will try to load the templates in following order:


so if a language specific template is not found the sharepage.tpl.html templates will be used.

Dieses Modul ist mit folgenden Shop-Systemen kompatibel

Gambio GX2/GX3/GX4

Modified-Shop 1.x/2.x/3.x

ZenCart 1.3.x/1.5.x/2.x API V2




    • PHP8.2 refactoring



    • PHP8.1 refactoring



    • PHP8.1 refactoring



    • PHP8 refactoring



    • PHP7.4 refactoring
    • Support for 4.0 Core Framework



    • remove G+ Button from Sharepage - please do this manually for customized sharepage templates located in mailhive/mailbeez/coupon_referral_honey/templates



    • undefined function mg_get_conf()



    • number of configured coupon expire days are not accepted



    • PHP7.2 refactoring
    • Upgrade to 4.0 Pro Framework



    • refactoring



    • server compatibility / app_path
    • invalid db schema on some db servers



    • coupon_expire_date placeholder does not show correct date



    • PHP7 refactoring



    • support for coupon value preview



    • support for preheader



    • PHP7 refactoring



    • in some environments the custom sharepage template was not loaded, but the default template
    • PHP5.6 compatibility



    • added chunksize option to control the number of emails send out



    • optimized invitation module query



    • updated Facebook sharer integration (you need to update your custom share page templates)



    • support Gambio 2.3 and modified-shop 2.0 pre-integration


    • support for custom sharepage templates, default_ templates will be overwritten by updates



    • CloudBeez ready


    • Viewbeez module: Function to end game (requires coupon engine 2.8)


    • Viewbeez module: Function to end game (requires coupon engine 2.8)


    • Viewbeez module for MailBeez Customer Insight
    • reporting, option to invite customer manually


    • option to send reward emails only to customers with referrals
    • improvements for mailchimp compatiblity


    • changelog started
    • general improvements
    • mailchimp ready

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